Helping your business stand out to the people you want to work with most.

Your ideal client isn't inside your own head. So how can you expect to attract them if that's where you're spending all your time?

You don't get a degree in something just by thinking really hard about it, so why would you do the same in your business? 

I can help you understand your ideal clients deeply, through insightful and impactful research, and then use what we discover to help you build a profitable business working with the sort of people you love to work with most.

Fed up of “ideal client avatars” that do nothing to bring you clients?

Opt in to my email list and I will send you a FREE “Ideal Client Anti-Avatar” to help you focus on what REALLY matters to make more sales to your perfect people!
I work hard to make the emails useful for you. But if you find they’re not you can unsubscribe at any time.


Dream Client Attraction Academy

For you if: you are near the beginning of your content marketing journey and need help with putting your business fundamentals in place and mapping out your ideal client magnetising content strategy.

This takes you through the whole journey leaving you with offers, messaging and content (strategic, regular content) that engages ideal clients and turns them into paying clients.

Dream Client Intensive:

For you if: you more or less know what you’re doing with content marketing, but are not getting the engagement you want on your content and/or it’s not leading to enough paid clients.

You need support to really clarify your message and come up with content your ideal clients LOVE, so you stand out and get more of these people into your world and onto your books.

Workshops and events:

For you if: you are confident taking information and taking action on it, or perhaps you are doing this work to support another programme (for example coaching or a copywriting course), and you already have the 1:1 accountability you need.

I host workshops and trainings on various topics throughout the year with optional follow-up 1:1 support to help you make it happen!

What people
are saying

I had been struggling for ages to clarify who my ideal client was and determine how to message my services to them effectively and in a non-slimy way…Katie has the knowledge and experience to get me further than I would have gotten myself and in a much shorter period of time. I would highly highly recommend her services.

Zoe Carroll, Zoe Carroll Coaching and Training

Working with Katie was fantastic – as a result I've changed my business model and I feel so much happier with my new offer. I would recommend Katie to anyone looking for help with getting clear on their dream clients and their messaging because she is a research genius. If that weren't enough, Katie is a joy to work with and the whole experience was an absolute pleasure!

Kimberly Anderson Warriah, Tidy Spruce

Hi, I’m Katie, and I love nothing more than drinking tea and helping passionate small businesses succeed.

Something I see coaches and gurus always tell people is do your ideal client work. Know your ideal client. Then what? They give you a worksheet and tell you to go and think about it and fill it in. Hmm. Your ideal client isn’t inside your head. So why would you expect to find all the answers about them in there?

I have spent the last 20 years dedicated to understanding how people think and what underlies their action, through the study of psychology and a 16-year career in market research.

Now I am excited I get to marry my passion for seeing small businesses succeeding against the odds with my skills in getting inside people’s heads to help you really understand your ideal clients – their struggles, dreams, barriers and their day-to-day experiences, and to help you create offers messaging and content that stands out in this noisy, busy online world and attracts the people you want to work with most.



For more about how I do this please check out my blog or come and join my Facebook Group “How to be an Ideal Client Magnet” – I’d love to see you there!


Three Techniques to Validate Your Offer BEFORE you Launch

Fed up with launching to crickets, creating offer after offer that no one ever seems to buy?

It takes time and energy to launch something new – the last thing you want is to put in all that effort over an offer that isn’t going to sell.

This guide contains three quick and easy exercises you can do right now to check whether your offer is Needed, Wanted (not the same thing!), and what factors will Stop people from buying.

Congratulations! You just moved a step closer to making lacklustre launches a thing of the past, and turning your offer into something people actually want to buy! Your “Three Techniques to Validate Your Offer Before You Launch” guide is winging its way over to your inbox right now.